Student Life

Sports and cultural life

There is no time to be bored with us! Do not hide your talent and let’s enjoy it together.

  • We create sports and cultural teams with you; (Sports, music, art, etc.)
  • We organize Graduation, Welcome and New Year parties with the participation of the university cultural teams; As well as excursions, various national and thematic events, charitable and social responsibility projects;
  • We care about creating an interesting and diverse student environment.

Meet the European University sports and cultural teams:

EU Futsal Team

The team was formed in 2016 and soon moved into the higher leagues. The EU futsal team has shown a number of unbeaten series at Universiades and Olympics.

EU dance ensemble

The EU Choreographic Ensemble was established in 2015 based on the initiative of a student. The ensemble has staged 12 dances with modern choreographic elements since its establishment. The ensemble is financially supported by the university and allocated a specific budget. The ensemble had toured various countries in Europe and Asia for 5 years, from where, in most cases, the winner returned.

EU girls volleyball team

The EU girls volleyball team was established in 2018. The girls' volleyball team took part in the first league of the Georgian championship organized by the National Volleyball Federation, and won first place and moved to the major league.

EU foreign girls basketball team

The EU foreign girls basketball team was created in 2019 at the initiative of international students. The team is fully supported by the University. The team is currently gaining experience and preparing to compete.